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  • The Lesser Bourgeoisie

The Lesser Bourgeoisie

Angebote / Angebote:

The Lesser Bourgeoisie - By K. Wormeley - 1896 - HERE, madame, is one of those books which come into the mind, whence no one knows, giving pleasure to the author before he can foresee what reception the public, our great present judge, will accord to it. Feeling almost certain of your sympathy in my pleasure, I dedicate the book to you. Ought it not to belong to you as the tithe formerly belonged to the Church in memory of God, who makes all things bud and fruit in the fields and in the intellect A few lumps of clay, left by Molikre at the feet of his colossal statue of Tartuffe, have here been kneaded by a hand more daring than able but, at whatever distance I may be from the greatest of comic writers, I shall still be glad to have used these crumbs in showing the modern hypocrite in action. The chief encouragement that I have had in this difficult undertaking was in finding it apart from all religious questions, -questions which ought to be kept out of it for the sake of one so pious as your- self and also because of what a great writer has lately called our present indifference in matters of religion. May the double signification of your names be for my book a prophecy I Deign to find here the respectful gratitude of him who ventures to call himself the most devoted of your servants. -- CONTENTS --. PART FIRST . THE LESSER BOURGEOIS OF PARIS . CHAPTER I . DEPARTING PARIS . ......... 1 11 . THE HISTORY OF A TYRANNY ...... 10 111 . COLLEVILLE ............ 26 IV . THE CIRCLE OF 31 . AND MME . TRUILLIER . 35 V . A PRINCIPAL PERSONAGE ....... 53 V1 . A KEYNOTE ............ 75 V11 . THE WORTHY PHELLIONS ....... 88 v111 . AD MAJOREM THEODOSIS GLORIAM . 104 IX . THE BANKER OF THE POOR . 129 X . How BRIGITTE WAS WON . 141 XI . THE REIGN OF THIODOSE ....... 152 XI1 . DEVILS AGAINST DEVILS . 160 XI11 . THE PERVERSITY OF DOVES . l81 XIV . ONE OF CIRIZETS FEMALE CLIENTS . 193 xv . THE DIFFICULTIES THAT CROP UP IN THE XVI . XVII . XITlII . EASIEST OF THEFTS . 206 Du PORTAIL ............ 227 IN WIIICIF THE LAMB DEVOURS THE WOLF . 238 SET A SAINT TO CATCH A SAINT . 256 PART SECOND. TIIE IAKVENUS. CEIAYTBH PAGE I. PIIELLION UNDER A NEIV ASPECT . . , . . 2GO 11. TIE PROVENALS PRESEST POSITION . . . 281 111. GOOD BLOOD CANNOT LIE . . . . . . . 297 IV. HUNGARY VERSUS PROVENCE V. SIIOIVING 1x0 NEAR TIIE TAIPEIAN . . . . . . 330 ROCK IS TO THE CAPITOL . . . . . . . , . . 332 VI. TTVAS TIIUS TIIEY BADE ADIEU . . . . . 349 VII. How TO SHUT THE DOOR IN PEOPLES FACES 359 VIII. A RUN OF ILL-LUCK . . . . . . . . . 370 XI. XIV. xv. EXPLANATIOXS AND WIIAT CAME OF THEM . 430 k A STAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 454 THE BAN WIIO TIIINKS THE STAR TOO BRIGHT 473 A STORMY DAY . . . . . . . . . . . 487 . . . . . . . 540 XVI. CHECKMATE TO.THUILLIER XVII. IN TIIE EXERCISE OF 111s FUNCTIONS . . . . 554
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