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The Little Book

Angebote / Angebote:

The Little Book" is based on a Bible verse in Revelation that tells of an angel commanding the prophet John to eat a little book that would be sweet in his mouth and bitter in his belly. The major issues of the liberal agenda are of the same nature. They include atheism, feminism, homosexuality, animal rights, environmentalism, education, government, and, worst of all, abortion. These issues are presented in a feel-good way, sweet as honey, but always turn to bitterness and are quickly forgotten by the liberal presenters and media cheerleaders. For many years the expansion of liberalism has been a mystery, but a study of the scriptures has revealed how that thinking has overridden common sense. It is the author's conviction that the chief perpetrator of these issues is Satan who has blinded the minds of many of our citizens, enabling the ungodly liberal activists to force their evil positions on our whole country. It's a perfect way for the devil, in his war against GOD, to increase the alienation of man from GOD. The BIBLE shines a spiritual light on their deeds, exposing them for what they are. Through GOD'S dealings with Old Testament Israel, we can easily see what HIS response is to a nation that rejects HIM and follows a secular path in the pursuit of self satisfaction and self glorification. Since GOD changes not, our concern should be HIS response to our current humanistic leanings and ungodly desires. Without a national repentance, is there an apocalyptic event in store for America?
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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