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The Long and Winding Road

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According to biblical doctrine, God first created people in the universe with a hierarchy of holy angels, with the highest order being identified as "cherubim." One of them, who was anointed and perhaps the most elitist cherub amongst them, knew he was created beautiful and perfect in his ways. Alternately, with pride and arrogance at the forefront, that same being became the supreme architect and advocate for sin, evil and untold suffering. Henceforth, the diabolical Satan was loosed upon the world. Tragically, from time to time, beauty is in the fabled beast. Handsome man and beautiful women may be pleasing to the eyes and their good looks may even grant them unearned favor but their inner nature is a virtual mystery. They might be evil incarnated. Meanwhile, the not-so attractive individuals are oftentimes ignored and generally devalued, all dependent upon the beholder. But possibly, the inner core of that select person could render him or her almost angelic-like. Life's long and winding road is lined with so-called beautiful and so-called unattractive people. However, through faith and God's grace (and not the naked eye), the lonely traveler may be able to distinguish which is which. And that'll make life's journey worthwhile. All too often, a young man fathers a child and assumes that that, in itself, validates his manhood. Initially, as a new dad, he might even feel that all is right with the new world, and his future looms bright. In many cases, it's a heartfelt euphoria that defies description. However, when the novelty wears off and reality returns, a rather lengthy journey commences. To the mother's credit and merit, she usually accompanies her offspring on life's long and winding road but, far too frequently, the once proud father falters or completely vanishes along the way. Arguably so, it's serious and impactuous tragedy for the mother, the absentee father, the child and sometimes, the world at large. The good news is this, however, "One-size-fits-all" meager, gloomy or dire it might be, does not necessarily dictate their impending future. Through their own resilience, paired with a burning desire to overcome their childhood's deficiencies, they, alternately, walk a pathway less hazardous. And sometimes, when sincere loved ones step forward, it renders life's journey well worthwhile and almost superlative. And that's a road well worth embarking upon.
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