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The Lost One

Angebote / Angebote:

A gripping story of four friends who were drafted at the same time, served together through basic training and at the front lines, then, when the cease fire is put into effect, one who has been a prisoner of war chooses to stay behind in North Korea. The other three go home, attend college, meet girls, marry and find careers. What happens when the one left behind seeks permission to come back after many years? His country gives him a dishonorable discharge but no other legal ramifications and permission to return. How does the four of them find each other again? How do some of them fight to be non-judgmental and accepting of their former buddy? How do they regain their feeling for one another? This is a fictional story based on true events. Nineteen United Nations soldiers choose to remain in a communist country following the armistice, but years later decided to return to their homeland.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


25,90 CHF

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