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The Messenger

Angebote / Angebote:

The Messenger' is a collection of sincere, helpful messages which covers a variety of topics ranging from POSITIVITY, MOTIVATION and SELF-IMPROVEMENT to COMPASSION, FRIENDSHIP and CHARITY. The book includes important issues such as RACIAL HARMONY, BULLYING, STRESS and DEPRESSION, along with the author's thoughts on GROWING OLDER, PERSEVERANCE, GRATITUDE and many other subjects.Presented in a unique style, the messages are easy to comprehend and can be used for encouragement and support, as well as for general advice on achieving a better and more contented life.This enjoyable read is about matters that are part of everyday living for many of us, and seeks to show positive actions that could be put to use, in order to improve any given situation. Therefore, 'The Messenger' can be an invaluable friend to the readers, at times of need or at important junctures in their lives.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,50 CHF

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