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The Mirrored Door

Angebote / Angebote:

Is your own self-reflection holding you back? Open The Mirrored DoorYou're waiting to interview for your dream job, but instead of striding in with confidence, you catch your reflection in the boardroom door. Do I deserve to be here? Have I done enough? Will they respect me? Everyone has heard of the glass ceiling-the see-through barrier that blocks women from climbing the corporate ladder-but Ellen Taaffe knows the problem is more personal, and more reflective.In The Mirrored Door, Taaffe shows how society's skewed expectations cause women to get stuck on a reflection that's less than perfect, while men with less breeze past and upwards. While the door to the C-Suite may be a mirrored one, Taaffe is here to remind you: you just need to push it open. With 25 years in Fortune 500 brand management and currently as Assistant Professor and Director of the Women's Leadership Program at the Kellogg School of Management, Taaffe uses her vast experience to show you how to burst through to become the best in the business of business.See yourself reflected in Taaffe's stories from her own career and from those of the countless women she has mentored, coached, and taught. Push past paralyzing perfectionism by recognizing and overcoming Five Perils of Success. Find your leadership stride and voice with The Mirrored Door's formula of courage, confidence, and change. See yourself as you truly are, kick open the door, and claim your dream career.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


28,50 CHF