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The Nephilem

Angebote / Angebote:

A sun-soaked setting with a difference When Hyienna, a down-on-his-luck drifter, gets involved in complex relationships and a mysterious rucksack, he finds himself at the centre of a sinister age-long conspiracy that threatens everything. The Nephilem is debut novelist Exquil' s unforgettable slight-of-hand turn, exploring life in Formentera, perfect for a set of escapists from mainland Spain, looking for survival in the unrelenting dry winds and lively sea of the mysterious Balearics. Drifter Hyienna is gifted a mysterious rucksack on arrival to the sun-soaked paradise of Formentera. From there, he gets involved in his cousin's complex relationships with the promise of redemption from a past he is determined to outrun. But it soon becomes clear that escaping the past is not possible as a sacred mystery conspires to take grip and cost Hyienna everything he holds dear. The Nephilem is romantic, bittersweet, esoteric and has hints of a larger more eternal conspiracy, one that is determined to reset the established imagery of its Balearic setting. A trip to the Mediterranean will never be the same again.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


28,50 CHF

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