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The Neuronomicon

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The Nueronomicon combines the traditional magick of many paths with the research of mind-scientists working in secretive military programs. While remaining accessible to the beginner, it represents the first genuine advance in the field of magick over the last 100 years. _____________________ "This has to be the definitive book on the occult. It's beautifully written and also highly accessible. The artwork is amazing too." - Pat Mills, originator of 2000 AD ----------- "One of the best magick books I've read for years. I would say on a par with some of Aleister Crowley's works. And that's not a thing I say lightly." - Michael [Mick] Norris illustrator of Liber Null & Psychonaut --------- "Excellent." - Ray Sherwin, originator of Chaos Magic --------- "An education." Valerie Sinason, The Tavistock Institute
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


307,00 CHF