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The Palace

Angebote / Angebote:

The Palace is the story of an average guy who gets recruited by a committee in Tibet that's responsible for overseeing a palace that's been overrun by war-torn refugees fleeing Russian aggression. The palace is more than just a spectacular structure on earth. It's a metaphor for the mind, and the refugees represent the uninvited and disempowering thoughts that create chaos and disharmony. The Palace is not only a great adventure and love story with more twists and turns than the Tibetan Highway. It's an insightful road map to help every reader identify and work through negative and disempowering thoughts like guilt, grief, anger, and self-doubt. It's packed with a delicious assortment of tender nuggets of unconventional wisdom. If you choose to treat your mind like the palace it is by becoming an active and vigilant gatekeeper who only entertains thoughts that have the potential to improve your life and the lives of the people you love, you will become stronger, wiser, and happier.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


32,50 CHF