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  • The Place of the Quiet Place

The Place of the Quiet Place

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This biblicist, public speaker and discipler, Simon Wale Olatunji writes here, about the fundamentals of devotion: a solid piece on rules and ways of genuine spiritual engagement. He aptly addresses the observance of quiet times as he sees, lives, and teaches it. His wealth of experience as a minister of the gospel, life coach and leader of a global network of partner committed to helping people discover, develop and deploy destiny aid his doing justice to this very special piece. He answers most question you ever had about: The blessing of quiet living, Why is it important to spend time alone with God? How can I experience true intimacy with God? What are the spiritual disciplines? What does the Bible say about the value of a secret place? What is a quiet time? And lots more... This book was first published in Nigeria in 2010 by Alabaster Books with thousands of copies sold. This second edition comes with an improvement of its quality and content. It will inspire and liberate its reader in veritable ways.
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