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  • The Second Tale of the Wulks

The Second Tale of the Wulks

Angebote / Angebote:

The Dark Lord Marvin has mobilized his army and joined forces with his transgender girlfriend Suzanne Robertson, who herself has become a Dark Lord in order to murder her own share¿ of autistic people for accidentally misgendering her. Autistic people tend to find it unnatural to say please or thank you because it is not inherently rude to neglect to say either, and likewise, autistic people find it unnatural to avoid accidental misgendering, because accidental misgendering is not transphobic, yet Suzanne is unwilling to forgive this common Earthling behavior. Hence, the alliance between the Dark Lords Marvin and Suzanne sinisterly fuels their hatred for the autistic community. On the other hand, the forces of righteousness are themselves unified under the common cause of defeating the Dark Lords forever. Rilk and Mary have reunited with Englar, Chris, Jack, Fred, Tom, Larina, Victor, and Angela, and all ten of them enjoy an alliance with the Eternal Shadow, who only wanted to meet Victor and Angela in a martial arts battle, not to aid Marvin's genocide. Victor and Angela have temporarily put aside their grudge against Rilk and Mary, choosing instead to join¿the others in paving Rilk and Mary's path towards Marvin the Devil. As midnight approaches, the side of righteousness, despite the disagreements between its members, fights as one team, ready to defeat the forces of evil once again and reestablish the equality of autistic and non-autistic people.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,50 CHF