- Start
- The Song of Ianto
The Song of Ianto
Angebote / Angebote:
This was my first novella completed. It is the second in the trilogy comprising the existential trajectory of the protagonist. The despair, sin, and extreme "political incorrectness" found herein, particularly the despair and the sin, led to the redemption theme found in the "sequel", An Insurrection of Gods: Ianto's Redemption. The late-completed prequel, Prelude: Ianto's Montage of Dreams, is somewhat more open-ended in its trajectory and its vision. (This last-mentioned work is comprised of very early writing, as well as late-written material pertinent to early phases of the protagonist's life, along with, in a process of deepening existential subjectivism, new writing, covering later times, slung in non-chronologically, though the overall mimesis withstands this.)
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen