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  • The Wailing Octopus

The Wailing Octopus

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Excerpt: ...that it's hard to tell what's what, " Scotty added. "But it certainly looked like a cannon muzzle." "From what we saw, I suspect that the portion above the sand is the stern, probably the stern super-structure. If the timbers haven't completely rotted away, ripping off the top should expose the stern cabins." "That seems reasonable, " Tony agreed. "At any rate, it's a good basis for operation. Rick, if you'll look in my kit, you will find a larger bar you can borrow. You'll both need tools if you're going to take the ship apart." "Anyway, that's enough diving for the morning, " Zircon said. "Let's up anchor and go." While the others got the boat underway, Rick started the compressor in the cockpit and connected up the tanks they had used. He almost wished he and Scotty had been extravagant and had ordered triple tank blocks to give them maximum time under water. Still, the singles were convenient, and diving was a sport it wasn't wise to overdo. By the time they were through with lunch and had rested awhile, the tanks would be fully charged again. As they tied up, Zircon said, "Tony and I will work at his midden this afternoon. You two take the boat. We won't need it. I'll walk over and take a look every once in a while, and if we see our friends from the cottage near you, we'll come running." The boys helped Tony prepare a simple lunch of soup and sandwiches, then all hands retired to the front porch to eat. Up the beach, there were signs of activity around the frogmen's boat. As they ate and watched, the boat moved away from the pier and approached the reef, where it anchored. Rick went to get the binoculars and focused them on the scene. Two frogmen, complete with suits, went over the side right where their buoys floated! "They're diving at the wreck!" he exclaimed. Zircon took the glasses and watched, then handed them to Tony. The archaeologist muttered, "Surely they can't be interested in the treasure. It would be simply too much coincidence for...
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