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The Wilderness

Angebote / Angebote:

The Wilderness: A Path to Promise accounts for Bonita's spiritual descent from the mountain top of blessing, position, and influence into the abyss of isolation and separation. Bonita testifies that a spiritual wilderness is a space of extreme loneliness, trial, and overall discomfort. Bonita examples through her experiences that though God's presence fills the wilderness, the enemy is there to tempt self-will and self-determination over God's will and purpose. Bonita uses her story to encourage the reader to look inward at what is genuinely guiding their purpose. The book also challenges the question: What happens once you arrive at your promise? Her story will interrupt hopelessness and offer a different perspective on how we characterize God's will for our lives.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


21,50 CHF