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  • The Winding Down Hours

The Winding Down Hours

Angebote / Angebote:

Home isn't always where the heart is.The Taylors haven't spent this much time together in years. But with their mother gone and the tendrils of dementia slowly entwining their father, the three siblings have one last chance to relive their idyllic youth while packing up the family home. Life isn't as simple as when they were children, however, and missteps of the past have driven them irreconcilably apart. Only Mason, the middle Taylor, is determined to mend the fractures before the weekend ends and their time on the Cape is done.A story of the common hopes, trials, and disappointments of family life - and just how difficult acceptance can be.
Fremdlagertitel. Lieferzeit unbestimmt


21,90 CHF

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