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The Wingman's Path to Positivity

Angebote / Angebote:

Listen, the idea of "creating a life of your choosing" is not new. There are thousands of books you could choose to help you manifest whatever you desire. So why choose this one?Because here is a very simple map of the path Michael Gross took to living a life filled with joy, purpose, and clarity. It took him from being homeless to becoming a world traveler, from eking out a living to living the life of his choosing, and from having no faith in himself or his future to living in grace and ease, with constant trust that everything really is working out for him. It's the path that led him to the place where he can say with authenticity, that he won the Spiritual Lottery.The steps Michael took on this path led him on a powerful spiritual journey as well as a worldwide adventure. As he discovered and practiced positivity exercises to create the life he wanted to live, he befriended Zen Masters and spiritual gurus, found hidden temples, trekked seaside cliffs with Irish dogs, and was rescued by a famous ex-pat living in South America.His spiritual and global adventures resulted in what he calls The Wingman's Path, which he is now sharing with the world. And here's the good news: the path is very easy to navigate. Anyone can travel it -- even you. All it takes is practicing being positive for at least one minute each day.It can't get much easier than that, can it?Come! Join Michael on the Wingman's Path to Positivity today!
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