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The Woods

Angebote / Angebote:

WEBSITE BLURB (Please limit to 200 words): Carolina Woods- "Where You Live Your Dreams." After years of work and routine, isn't this what retirement is all about? And Carolina Woods seems to have it all: situated alongside a thriving university town where one can find culture, leisure activities, intelligent companionship and more. "And more, " aye, there's the rub, for Carolina Woods is no run-of-the-mill retirement community-it is enchanted. Something not mentioned in the brochures or by the staff. The Woods, as it is known by staff and residents, has a way of revealing everyone's underlying nature. Be it the inner, playful child, the political fascist, or sex machine, The Woods will peel back the protective layers until all is revealed, to the joy, bafflement, fear or delight of all-and especially for you, the reader. Come take a walk in The Woods.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


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