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  • Thematic Preaching

Thematic Preaching

Angebote / Angebote:

Thematic Preaching is a system of homiletics that emphasizes developing a sermon around its theme. It uses a specific method and scientific approach to do so while stressing such principles as parallelism, simplicity, consistency, logic and coherence. Its goal is to either create (with respect to a topical sermon) or ascertain (with respect to textual and expository sermons) the proper theme that is then steadfastly adhered to in each and every point of the sermon body. Its goal is to instruct the reader how to formulate an outline that is coherent, well organized, and that possesses purpose. Thematic Preaching is not an exhaustive treatise on all aspects of sermon preparation but concentrates instead on the primary goal of creating sermonic outlines. It does, however, cover such important topics as the spiritual dynamic as well as the introduction and conclusion of a message. This author trusts that after the reader has studied Thematic Preaching that he will be equipped to deliver purposeful, biblical messages that bring honor and glory and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Lastly, this author takes no credit in formulating this system of homiletics but is simply rehearsing what he has been taught at the Practical Bible Training School (now Davis College). He is deeply indebted to that school and those men who passed their wisdom and experience down to him.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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