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Thistle Gets Hurt

Angebote / Angebote:

Lady Thistle is two months old and has a big appetite for her growing body. In addition to nursing, she finally gets to eat grain and fresh hay with the other horses...and venture out into the pasture to nibble on sweet clover. She loves her new freedom of exploring and playing, but one day, while the horses are grazing, shrieks cause alarm. Lady Thistle finds danger in the field and is bleeding from a big gash on her leg. She has trouble walking and her mom, Polly, whinnies for help. Farm friends gather around-as the vet determines the best way to stitch the big wound-and eagerly wait to see if Lady Thistle will make a full recovery. Based on a true story, this is the fourth book in The Lady Thistle series.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,90 CHF

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