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  • Tick-Tock Grandad's Sweetshop Skills for Life

Tick-Tock Grandad's Sweetshop Skills for Life

Angebote / Angebote:

Austin is a young boy, eager to learn about life and all that's in it! He loves to listen to his grandfather's stories and, one day, his grandfather tells him of how he owned and managed his own sweetshop. As they sit in their favourite place, Grandad's living room, with the clock ticking and a warm fire crackling in the fireplace, Austin is taken back in time to when his grandfather was a young man. Austin learns how his grandfather and grandmother worked long hours to make their business a success-the sacrifices they made, the creativity and imagination they mustered to develop new ideas, and the satisfaction of realizing a dream. Andy Harris' Tick-Tock Grandad's Sweetshop is an endearing story that teaches children the importance of working toward a goal and the pride one feels once accomplishing that goal. The author's voice resonates with children-relating fond and universal experiences-while incorporating valuable life lessons of honouring family and using honesty, hard work, integrity and imagination to achieve a fulfilling and successful life. Andy Harris is a writer, Director of Training of Platform 21 Training (, and lecturer at The Open University Business School. He has published several business articles and is writing his second children's book. He lives with his family in England.
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