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  • Tradition and Innovation: Reflections on Latin American Jewish Writing

Tradition and Innovation: Reflections on Latin American Jewish Writing

Angebote / Angebote:

This book studies the rich repository of Latin American Jewish literature, exploring the issues of vanishing traditions along with the subject of assimilation and acculturation. It places in sharp relief the Jewish contribution to the Latin American literary boom. An important aspect of this study is an examination of the contributions of women authors to this field. It studies Jewish life in communities that are little known in either the Jewish or non-Jewish world, worlds unique within the diaspora experience. The book contains critical essays by internationally renowned scholars, along with in-depth interviews with major writers. Contributors include Regina Igel, Florinda Goldberg, Robert DiAntonio, Leonardo Senkman, Naomi Lindstrom, David Foster, Edna Aizenberg, Nora Glickman, Lois Bara, Judith Morganroth Schneider, Murray Baumgarten, Flor Schiminovich, Sandra Cypess, Edward Friedman, Ilan Stavans, Jacobo Sefarmi, and Mario A. Rojas.
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125,00 CHF