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- Traditional Music in Baltic Countries
Traditional Music in Baltic Countries
Angebote / Angebote:
+++ Articles
* Martin Boiko: Baltic and Balts: On the History of Notions and the Question of Baltic Regionalism
* Valdis Muktapavels: Musical Instruments in the Baltic Region: Historiography and Traditions
* Daiva Vyciniene: Lithuanian Schwebungsdiaphonie and its South and East European Parallels
* Anu Vissel: Estonian Herding Songs from the Perspective of Ethnic Relations
* Arnold Klotins: The Latvian Neo-folklore Movement and the Political Changes of the Late 20th Century
* Ingrid Rüütel: Wedding Songs and Ceremonies of the Kihu Island in Estonia
+++ Institutions
* Janika Oras and Ergo-Hart Västrik: Estonian Folklore Archives of the Estonian Literary Museum
* Ingrid Rüütel: Department of Ethnomusicology at the Estonian Literary Museum
* Zaiga Sneibe: The Collection of Folk Music in the Archives of Latvian Folklore
* Rimantas Astrauskas and Dalia Urbanaviciene: Department of Ehnomusicology, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Section of Ethnomusicology at the Institute of Musicology, Lithuanian Academy of Music
* Auste Nakiene: Ethnomusikologie am Institut der Litauischen Literatur und Folklore
* Rimantas Sliuzinskas: Institute of Musicology, University of Klaipeda, Lithuania
+++ Book Reviews (Jonathan Stock, ed.)
* Jonathan Stock, Marian Marian Balasa, Calep Okumu Crispo, Michael Morse: Review Symposium: Music and the Racial Imagination, Ronald Radano and Philip. V. Bohlman, eds.
* Carol Muller: Music and Gender, Pirrko Moisala and Beverly Diamond, eds.
* Frank Kouwenhoven: Bluegrass Odyssey: A Documentary in Pictures and Words, Carl Fleischhauer and Neil V. Rosenberg, eds.
* Briefly Mentioned
* Jonathan Stock: Las culturas musicales: Lecturas de ethnomusicologia, Francisco Cruces, chief ed.
+++ Recording Reviews (Gregory F. Barz, ed.)
* Jonathan Ritter: Recording Review Essay: Afro-Hispanic Music from Western Columbia and Ecuador/i> and Ecuador and Columbia: Marimba Master and Sacred Songs
+++ About the Authors
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