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Angebote / Angebote:

There are so many reasons that I wanted to write thisbook. One of them is found right there in the center of thatword, transitions. Do you see it?Right there in the middle of transitions... it is "I"! That's right!"I" am always going through some type of transition. Yes, it'sabout me! It's up close and personal. My last book, Dreams2-Destiny" was all about how my life was divinely guided throughmany wonderful experiences in the contemporary Christianmusic business. As that book ended, I was "transitioning" intoanother career as the pastor of a church I founded in Oklahoma.Within that transition were several others and many ofthem surprised me and challenged me. I was learning everyday how to not only survive, but how to get stronger in the midstof the challenges.We all go through seasons of transition and I have found out thatit is easier to endure them and press through them when I hearhow others have been able to navigate the storms of change. Youwill fi nd some stories of folks that have weathered the stormswithin the pages of this book. Keep in mind that this is not abook to "fi x you" but rather to offer you hope and the future thatGod has for you. It's all good!Joseph Jones is the Founding Pastor of The Landing CommunityChurch and President of Dreams2Destiny Center inGlenpool, OK. For the latest updates and information go
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