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  • Transport decisions in an age of uncertainty

Transport decisions in an age of uncertainty

Angebote / Angebote:

Comme cela a deja ete enonce durant la premiere As already indicated during the first World Confer­ Conference Mondiale sur la Recherche dans les Trans­ ence on Transport Research in Bruges, Belgium in 1973, ports a Bruges, Belgique en 1973, Ie transport est today transportation is a recognized profession. This is aujourd'hui une profession reconnue. C'est egalement equally true in 1977, the year that the third World Con­ vrai en 1977, annee a laquelle fut organisee a Rotter­ ference was organized in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. dam, Pays-Bas, la troisieme Conference Mondiale. Le Transportation has truly emerged as an identifiable transport a veritablement emerge pour s'identifier a une multi-modal and multi-disciplinary profession. profession multi-modale et multi-disciplinaire. The theme chosen for this third World Conference on Le theme choisi pour cette troisieme Conference Transport Research has been: "Transport Decisions in Mondiale sur la Recherche dans les Transports etait: an Age of Uncertainty". "Les Decisions sur les Transports dans une Peri ode The Steering Committee of the World Conference d'Incertitude.
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