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Turning Your Storms into Rainbows

Angebote / Angebote:

God Plants the Dream... The Seed Breaks Open with Faith My deepest desire in writing this book has been that God will be glorified and exalted through anyone touched by my sharing of how His Word has blessed and shaped my own life's experiences. I have shared my favorite, relevant scriptures, to show how it was done without God, how it works with God, and how it works for God. For me, there is no better way than to be His disciple. The rainbow theme was inspired by Bible references in Genesis 9:8-17, with the story of Noah and the flood, and Revelation 4:3, which describe the rainbow as a gift of God and the seal of His covenant with mankind, encircling the very throne of God. I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth . Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Genesis 9:12 A storm, the color of black, is never part of a colorful rainbow, which expresses the very nature and glorious presence of God. The Rainbow Bible describes the significance of the colors: "Purple assigned to God because it is a color of royalty, Blue assigned to Salvation because it has a heavenly or eternal connotation, Silver assigned to History because it signifies age or experience." I've experienced many storms in my life, the dark and cold times when there is so little light. Many times I wondered when my dark trial would be over, and the thought of the rainbow helped me make it through. We need to know there is always light, and oftentimes a radiant rainbow, after the storm. For over 17 years, it has been my heart's dream to create this book, even though I am unqualified and lack all the good skills in reading, writing and spelling that an author would seem to need. There is a saying that goes, "We know how many seeds are in an apple, but we never know how many apples are in a seed." God always reaches out His hand for the ones that are weak in many areas, and so, this book has come forth as a miracle from His grace, through the support and skill of others. He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness, He led him about, He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye. Deuteronomy 32: 10 KJV My father died when I was three years old, and my mother died when I was eleven years old. I became orphaned and a ward of the court. I suffered greatly from extreme loneliness and lack of love . yet, with so much of life's burdens forced upon me, the unconditional love of God gave me the hope and courage to come through it all . and even helped me to become a successful real estate broker! I've had a full life of 56 years, and I've written only glimpses of it here. There is so much more I could share. It was very difficult to choose the most important pieces, as each experience is so precious. We are all extremely unique and, at the same time, one of a kind and can benefit from each other's life lessons. That is my intention, and I send this book into your hearts with tremendous love and respect for everyone that reads it. These things I command, that you love one another. John 15:17 Please know that no matter how dark it is for you today, there are always rainbows that emerge from the storms. I pray that this book will be inspiring to all who have gone through or
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