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Unicorn Precint

Angebote / Angebote:

All in all, this is a fascinating excursion in genre-bending, worth atry even for readers who usually take either their procedurals ortheir fantasies unadulterated."-Booklist on Dragon PrecinctHumans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all liveand do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliff's End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land andsea, passing through the metropolis on matters of business orpleasure-or on quests. The hard-working, under-appreciated officers ofthe Cliff's End Castle Guard work day and night to maintain law andorder as best they can.Arra Cynnis is the youngest child in one of the most powerful familiesin the wealthy district of Unicorn Precinct. When she's foundmurdered, with the culprit's identity hidden from the magicalexaminer's spells, the Captain of the Guard sends his bestinvestigators. Ex-soldier Torin ban Wyvald and half-elf DanthresTresyllione have two viable suspects: Arra's fiancé, who is the cousinof another member of the Castle Guard, or the unknown person with whomArra was having a torrid affair. Torin and Danthres must navigate thedifficult political waters of Cliff's End's upper classes in anattempt to determine the girl's killer.Complicating the case is the unexpected appearance of Torin'sestranged father, who has come to return the detective to his far-offhomeland of Myverin, and he won't take no for an answer . . . .At last, an all-new adventure of the Cliff's End Castle Guard!"Dungeons and Dragnet... As a take-off of the standard crime drama, Dragon Precinct succeeds nicely. Dressed in sword-and-sorcerytrappings, the clichés of the genre are given a fresh twist. I wouldlike to see more stories in this same setting."-The Journal of the Lincoln Heights Literary Society Authors and Editors
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