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United We Pray

Angebote / Angebote:

Only God can give us relief and provide the peace that we so desperately need as we unite in prayer asking him to rid our nation of the deadly coronavirus attack. The chapters of this book outline ways we can petition him to bring us together and heal our land. The great "I Am" is always ready to help us when we call on him in humility forsaking all pride and boastfulness. In the book are scriptures of the Bible that were chosen to go along with the prayer subjects. These include praying for faith, peace, praise, worship and thanksgiving, as well as asking for God's protection to help us overcome our fear, finally, we pray for love and joy to permeate throughout this nation. We need our Lord and Savior to help us overcome our differences and put down the thoughts that we are us and them and come together as one. Only he can provide the wisdom and knowledge we need to solve our problems with saving our economy and helping those who are in desperate need. Today, so many American families do not have enough income to feed themselves or pay for a place to live. Our economy is in distress with businesses, such as the airline industry and large theme parks, having layoffs of large numbers of people. God is waiting for us to call on him to help us. We will not be successful in our wonderful land until we unite in prayer asking for God's forgiveness and blessings. It is the beginning of our submitting our will to God's will. Therefore, we need to let him have his way with us and bless our nation. The beautiful photography is provided to help us to relax and open our hearts and minds to our heavenly Father in corporate prayer for our country.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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