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Valuing Accounting Practices

Angebote / Angebote:

In-depth coverage of the valuation of accounting practices and of partial ownerships in those practices Fundamental concepts and approaches related to accounting practices Illustrative income approach valuation methods Illustrative market approach valuation methods Illustrative asset-based approach valuation methods Preparing the overall accounting practice valuation synthesis and conclusion Identification and quantification of accounting practice valuation discounts and premiums, and other special topics related to the valuation of partial ownership interests Special topics related to the valuation of accounting practices Reporting the results of the accounting practice appraisal This comprehensive guide covers every aspect of accounting firm valuation, from determining the circumstances in which the procedure should be undertaken to compliance with standards for reporting valuation results. It provides a solid conceptual and theoretical foundation for the analysis and appraisal of accounting practices along with numerous practical applications and illustrations. The main body of the book is divided into four sections. The first section addresses the planning stages of the valuation, including motivations for conducting an appraisal, its purpose and objective, professional valuation standards, selecting a valuation approach, and data gathering. In the second section, specific accounting practice valuation methods are discussed and illustrated. These include market-based, income-based, and asset-based methods. This section also examines the process of determining the overall value of the business. The third section of Valuing Accounting Practices focuses on the valuation offractional or partial interests in an accounting firm. A large part of this discussion centers on the identification and valuation of discounts and premiums related to partial or minority ownership, with an emphasis on marketable versus nonmarketable interest and discounts
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


289,00 CHF

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