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Vibrant Words

Angebote / Angebote:

A journal is very important for a person who is on a path of creativity and personal transformation. Being able to look inside yourself and see a different person there than the one you know is an opportunity that few individuals have. You are more than you think you are, you can do more than you do, and success is not foreign to you if you know how to make a series of smart choices. Each of us wakes up in the morning and wants a better life for ourselves and our loved ones but how many of us are willing to do more than we normally do. Everything you do, everything you invest, all your hard work and sacrifices have a purpose, a meaning and you will eventually be rewarded. You know that life is fair, especially when you have a dream that you live in advance, you wake up in the morning and the dream gives you the strength to start a new day with a state of eternal well-being, a state of strength that keeps your confidence in your own strength high. Live your dream in advance, and do not look down on those who are unable to do it, do not listen to their criticism, and their advice will not help you. Live your dream in advance and stop looking for excuses, these are for those who lead a mediocre life, they are for those who live in an extremely small world where big dreams do not fit. Live your dream ahead of time and give yourself the chance to challenge yourself to the next level, so that you can feel more than you feel now, so that you can encompass in your soul more feelings and more courage than you have ever felt before. There will always be mediocre people and successful people, and the only difference between these two categories is the degree to which those in the first category are more personal than the others. How much willpower do you have? What are you willing to do to keep your word when you give it to yourself? When have you promised yourself that you deserve a better life and that you are capable of doing and being more? How can life reward you with something you don't deserve, something you don't want to fight for, something you don't value, something you don't want to give your best for. No matter how much you want to succeed, if you don't evolve, if you don't transform, you'll be a dreamer and that's it. To get to where you want to be, you have to fight, look for opportunities, and if they don't exist, create them. Have the ability to create value where it doesn't currently exist.
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19,50 CHF