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Le' Nita Marie Spivey makes a regretted trip to Jamestown, NY for her Ma'dear's Homegoing. Not knowing she has packed her Pennsylvania memories with her, the answer to her drinking way too much becomes apparent. Le' Nita realizes she has been violated not only sexually, but emotionally also. Journeying through Le' Nita's past, filled with pain and regret, is absolutely necessary and, timely for the future in store for her. Grab hold of Le' Nita's hand while holding onto your seat and stroll along side Le' Nita's evaluation of her past. Through the Word of God molestation can be healed, come see for yourself... WARNING: CONTENTS ARE OF MATURE TOPIC.Jo Ann Carter has over 30 years experience speaking to local Women's Conferences, various Ministries, teaching Sunday School and Team Teaching the Word of God with simplicity. She also has many years experience giving godly counsel to young women. Her heart cries for the Body of Christ to fall in love with Jesus and walk in their calling with understanding and power and, she teaches driven by her heart. Living in Southern California, married 50 years and having reared 3 children who are fruit of godly labor, Jo Ann writes practical life stories. Stories proving the Word of God changes lives for the better when rightly divided and applied. Fiction is the writing style chosen by her because like Nathan telling David [2 Samuel 12:1-7] a fictitious story and his eyes were opened, others see themselves in her writings and begin their healing process.
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