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Visions of Love

Angebote / Angebote:

On the horizon there is a movement of love growing: a people who know they are loved, and who have set their lives wholeheartedly on becoming love, never to be dissuaded. The movement of love springing up in our generation will eclipse all other moves of God. We have been destined to turn the world upside down as we become the living expression of the thoughts of God's heart. It is a simple calling, yet none stands more compelling, and we have the full backing of the heavens! Imagine a community of lovers living open hearted and free. Imagine a culture that heals all our brokenness and builds homes for all God's children. In these visions and thoughts we are exploring our hopes and dreams: how we can see this potential realised and make this our lifelong journey?
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


25,50 CHF