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Vol. 9

Angebote / Angebote:

X Window Programming Extensions contains complete tutorial and reference documentation for several X Consortium standard extensions and conventions and utility libraries. Many of these are new in Release 6 or have been standardized since Release 6. These extensions have become common in commercial X servers, providing opportunities for programmers to include powerful features in their applications. For example, the Shape extension lets programmers use round or arbitrarily shaped windows, instead of just rectangles. "X Window Programming Extensions covers the Session Manager library and InterClient Exchange (ICE) library. It includes documentation for two sets of de-facto standard utilities, Xmu, the miscellaneous utilities library, and XPM, which provides access to color pixmap files. All software described in this book is freely available. This handbook also includes the standard specification for the InterClient Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM), which defines how programs should interrelate, and the X Logical Font Description Conventions (XLFD), which defines font naming. The following extensions are covered: Shape (for nonrectangular windows) Input (for nonstandard input devices like spaceballs) Double-Buffering (for animation) Synchronization (for multimedia and games) Test (for event simulation and demos) Shared Memory (for imaging performance) Record (for capturing events) In short, "X Window Programming Extensions is essential to complete the documentation set of any X programmer.
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