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Was That a Plane

Angebote / Angebote:

There is no sporting endeavor more pure and more simple to explain than the running race. One or more competitors, a starting point, an accurate timer, a track. That's all you need: go as fast as you can, and immortality could be yours for the taking. Except, it's not always as simple as that. When it comes to sprints over shorter distances, it is always easier to perform well with a favorable wind. But the wind level has to be less than the permitted maximum. And, in a sport where milliseconds can make the difference between gorgeous gold and banished bronze, you need to start as soon as you hear the signal, but not too soon, or you could be disqualified. And marathons and middle distance races are a whole other story. Years of preparation and diet control, months of endurance training, and switching, during the actual race, from a measured long distance lope to a frantic sprint towards the end. It's not easy. This book celebrates the achievements of the biggest stars of Track and Field who ever made it to the Olympic Games.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


29,90 CHF