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Angebote / Angebote:

It's Wasp's destiny to be impregnated by a swarm of hornets called the Angels on their twenty-first birthday, but they aren't going down without a fight. Their plan? A bottle of Coke, an abandoned church, and (regrettably) their ex-boyfriend Isaac. Across town the twin daughters of a prominent cult leader are also approaching their twenty-first birthdays. True-believer Caroline is excited for her fate, but Rachel isn't so sure. When Rachel runs into Isaac, he offers Wasp's help, a caustic solution that seems too good to be true. Meanwhile Janey, Caroline's trans best friend, secretly pines for Wasp, and grapples with her illegal transition. When the Angels take Rachel but don't come for Caroline, the group have a lot of quick decisions to make that will either save them or lead them to a violent end. They'll need to unite if they want to survive as the clock ticks down to Wasp's birthday and the Angels' inevitable arrival.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


27,50 CHF

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