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  • Welcome to Wesleyan: Campus Buildings

Welcome to Wesleyan: Campus Buildings

Angebote / Angebote:

Founded in 1831, Wesleyan University's campus in Middletown, Connecticut, is rich in architecture and history. This attractive collection of photographs of campus buildings begins with the original buildings of College Row, and like a walking tour, takes the reader past a variety of more recent additions. Focusing on what would interest both alumni and university visitors, author Leslie Starr has included academic, athletic, administrative, and arts buildings, as well as residence halls, fraternity houses, and the off-campus deli. In-depth, informative captions detail each building's history and transitions over the years, and describe the buildings' occupants and namesakes. A campus map shows the location of each building. The book contains over fifty full-color photographs, including a recent aerial view, and an informative introduction describing the university's history. This attractively priced volume will appeal to anyone connected to or interested in Wesleyan University.
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