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What Goes Around Comes Around: A Guide to How Life Really Works

Angebote / Angebote:

Greetings and welcome to this description of my new book, also my first book! How exciting! I'm glad you're here and hope to convince you to stop and take the time to read and consider the contents. I've been told by serious people that It had a meaningful impact on them, that it gave them important insights, and caused them to look more closely at their precepts and standard/habitual reactions to circumstances and conditions that life confronts them with. As many first-time authors say, "It has been a journey, " It literally dates back to the mid-1980's when I first wrote down my thoughts about some of the principles described herein. I also recorded a few stories about people I knew who I felt were good illustrations. At the time, I made bound copies with a cover designed by my artist sister, Emmie-Lee. I handed them out to friends and people who passed through my life and for one reason or another asked my advice about something, where I felt that what I had written might be helpful to them. Every now and then over ensuing years, I'd run into, or get a call from one of those people who would tell me some variation of the same story. It would be about the impact my little missive had on them, all the many times they had read it, and how they'd made copies of it to pass on to their family and friends, who had done the same, etc, etc. Sometimes I'd coincidentally be at an event with one those people, where circumstances would bring us together around others and they would bring it up to the group, going on and on about how I'd written this little book, (more like a pamphlet at the time, ) and how much it had meant to them. Invariably, I'd be asked by some of those present how they could get a copy, Of course, I could have sent one of the originals, but would decline with a vague excuse about how I would soon be doing a newly- revised version, blah - blah, which never happened.My issue was that as life continued unfolding, more children, marital issues, career, athletic and other challenges/achievements/failures, multi-year studies on philosophy, religion, psychology and science, I was accumulating more lessons, and asking deeper questions that needed answers before I was confidant that a new version would be a meaningful improvement. Then I got one of those calls. A person I had not heard from in years reached out to tell me her story about how much my ideas had meant to her personally, in terms of her family and outside relationships, her career and mental & physical health. She wondered if I had written anything else that she could read and share, and was disappointed when I told her I had not. I decided in that moment, that it was time. I dug up and read one of my original versions, and it all started to flow. Two years later, it is complete and ready for you! And by the way, it is no longer a pamphlet. It is rather a full treatise about the Title and why it is true, and most importantly, it is about how life REALLY works. I'm glad to say that I have learned some new tricks from raising all those children, going through all those challenges, doing all that work, suffering those failures, accomplishing those achievements, and it all comes together here.The book is about the truth that, "What Goes Around, Comes Around." Many people think its a nice platitude, an expression to trot out when they need something clever to say, about someone else going through some calamity in life, but not something that THEY need to be too concerned about in their own life. Possibly a "nice to have, " but certainly not a "need to have" matter to be bothered with. I'd love to know your thoughts when you've turned the last page! :)
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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