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What is a Limerick?

Angebote / Angebote:

Introduction Jonathan Dean When I first set out to find a limerick Book, I could find not a one, anywhere I'd look. So then I sat to think, And I put pen to ink, Now here's a book, after the trouble I took. :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: Limericks are a form of poem that have intrigued me since I was first introduced to the form in a third grade class in 1982 at Garrison Elementary School, Lewis County, Kentucky, USA. My teacher, Ms. Skaggs, gave our class an assignment to write a limerick. I wrote several limericks that day in class, which I have since lost, though I never lost my fascination with the humorous form of poetry, known as the Limerick. This book differs from many others about limericks, in that the majority of the poems contained herein are not what one would consider "dirty". It is my desire to share limericks that are witty, yet at the same time, are not offensive in nature. I have attempted to write a book that would meet the approval of my mother.
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