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What is Man That Thou Art Mindful of Him?

Angebote / Angebote:

Do you have an appetite for finding out what REALLY happened in the garden of Eden and why God even bothered? Does it appeal to you to ponder new thoughts and be stretched to your limits? Would you like to answer a few of the questions you've yet to figure out for yourself? If so, then hold onto your hats! This book is going to explain what many thought they knew, but did not. As Scott Stimson of Scott Stimson Ministries, Intl. offers in the Foreword of the book, "If you choose to pick up this book and read it, all I can say is "get ready." You are about to go on a "real" God adventure."What is Man that Thou Art Mindful of Him--Where We Were takes us back to the garden of Eden and explains exactly what happened, bringing resolution to questions we've always wanted to know, and offering credible answers to questions most never think of asking. How much does God really love you? What is God's eternal purpose that goes far beyond the salvation of mankind? Why was the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" in the garden? Why was Eve not created immediately after making Adam? If "Adam was not deceived" as the Bible states, then why did Adam eat the forbidden fruit? Why did Adam and Eve cover up certain body parts and not others? If Eve was the transgressor, then why did Adam's sin bring death upon all men? How does God's curses of Adam and Eve affect us even to this day? Why Christian wives have a difficult time submitting to their husbands?After the fall, when God called out to Adam, "Where are you?" it wasn't because He didn't know where they were. He knew it was imperative that they tell the truth about what just happened in order for Adam and Eve to move toward their destiny and, in turn, help them pinpoint exactly where they were in relation to Him. Unfortunately, they were too busy passing blame to understand God's intentions, and ultimately bestowed mankind with a legacy of misery and sorrow that's been passed on from generation to generation.Filled with interesting observations, each point shared throughout the book has one intent--to bring understanding to Where We Were, thus, positioning us to respond to God truthfully when asked, "Where Are You?
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