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Whispers of the Gods

Angebote / Angebote:

Set in the time of the New Kingdom, Whispers of the Gods is a historical tale based on truth. High Priestess Anas, the Goddess Isis on Orion birthplace of the Gods, elects to come to earth to ensure the continuance of the Pharaonic line of Tutmoside kings. Through past Pharaoh's, the throne has weakened, and only the elected Tutmoses the First has brought the land to stability. On his death, his son Tutmoses the Second accedes, but he is weak and dogged by illness, and his half sister-wife Hatshepsut sees her chance to seize power. The young son of the Pharaoh, Amun-Ra, is the rightful heir, yet despite this fact, for over twenty years Hatshepsut, the first female Pharaoh assumes the throne and title. Under her guidance, Egypt grows into a strong land of culture and wealth, safe from the marauding nations who surround her. Regardless of her achievements, Hatshepsut and her powerful Vizier Senenmet seek every means to prevent the young Pharaoh from his right, and the Gods guide Anas to help him achieve his commission. Many novels are based in ancient Egypt, for it is a rich and unique source, but Whispers of the Gods explores the relationship between Gods and man, the priesthood and the throne, showing their utmost belief in the divine sources, which guided and shaped their lives as it also explore their many human frailties.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


30,90 CHF