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Who Is My Neighbor?

Angebote / Angebote:

Who Is My Neighbor? Anyone can love those who are like them in thinking, doing, being, interests, family origin, ethnic background or religion. The challenge is in loving those who do not hold your views, but could possibly be influenced if you could demonstrate the love of God through your life! It is truly possible to get along and be a good neighbor when you find out what God thinks about the importance of relationships and the value He places on people. He will guide you if you want to be guided by Him, teaching you His way. Who Is My Neighbor? provides the information and insight necessary to be able to see through God's perspective. It teaches us how relationships have formed our history, our families and our perspectives. It also places some boundaries in our lives that will keep us from pitfalls, pain, and disappointment. If you are not walking in God's love and giving it away, perhaps you do not know how much He loves you. Your first step is finding this out. Without a revelation of His love for you on a personal level, it will be impossible to walk in the greatest commandments: Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 22:37-40). Mary Jane Bilenduke is an ordained minister with the Open Bible Faith Fellowship and presently pastors a congregation in downtown Toronto called Toronto Christian Worship Center. She believes revival and relationships go hand-in-hand, and the better our relationships with God and one another, the closer we are to being personally revived and to experiencing revival in the Church. Her desire is to see families, cities, and nations transformed through knowing that relationships are their legacy. The health of our society is directly related to how healthy our relationships are and can become. Caring begins in knowing the caring heart of God, being captured by it, and giving it away. Love is the more excellent way and principle thing.
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