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Why God Why?

Angebote / Angebote:

It is the purpose of this book to show how a person's spiritual hunger can either increase or decrease, depending on how they respond to suffering. Suffering is something that polarizes. For some suffering causes the individual to seek God in a far greater way than ever before and for others suffering can cause them to turn their back on God and say, "How could a loving God let this happen to me?"   This book is about my family and the choice we made to turn to God in the midst of suffering, and how we are now able to say, "How could we possibly have gone through what we have without a loving God to help support and guide us?" It outlines the journey we have experienced both before and after my wife entered into eternity. It looks at how God has been with us through it all and how He has helped us every step of the way, especially as we have chosen to follow Him in life, death and eternity.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


33,50 CHF