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Woken Kingdom

Angebote / Angebote:

A hundred years ago, a dark fairy cursed an innocent princess, forcing a kingdom to sleep until a brave prince would save them. Maya is fueled by spite towards the royal family and fairies, who trapped ordinary people like her in a curse they didn't deserve. Now poverty-stricken, the seventeen-year-old bookmaker has one goal: rob her grandmother's faraway grave and use the riches within to save her family from starvation. As she enters a world she doesn't recognise, Maya meets the charismatic but mysterious Teddy. He agrees to help her, and it's only a matter of time before romantic feelings emerge. But when Teddy's secret is revealed, it doesn't only change their friendship - it changes Maya's entire world. To reach the enchanted treasure she seeks, Maya will need blessings from each of the seven fairies. She and Teddy journey across each of the fairy's distinct territories, experiencing mystical powers, stunning cities, and lush landscapes. Even with a deadly rival close behind, Maya won't be stopped. But she is yet to learn the true cost of her treasure. When Maya must choose between saving her family or stopping a lurking evil, who will she betray?
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


26,90 CHF