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Writing Books for Fun, Fame & Fortune

Angebote / Angebote:

Writing Books for Fun, Fame & Fortune! What expertise do you have in business? What are your hobbies? Which of your unique life experiences can others learn from? What are you passionate about in life? If you have knowledge that could relieve someone else's pain, solve their problem, or show someone else how to get ahead, then you are ready to write a book. In these difficult economic times, it's actually easier than ever to write and publish a book. Use the simple, but sure-fire methods described within this book so you can establish your expertise in your chosen field of business to develop a steadily increasing income stream while doing what you love to do to provide solutions to help other people. "This is a great book for moms, future experts, and problem-solvers, a must for coaches, consultants, and speakers. Is there a book inside you? I'll bet there is and I look forward to seeing it in print." ~ Dan Poynter, The Self-Publishing Manual - 16th Edition "Finally, a book that tells writers how to create a nonfiction book that gets results. It takes you step-by-creative step through an otherwise circuitous process, resulting in a book you will be proud to call your own." ~ Brian Jud / Author of How to Make Real Money Selling Books and Beyond the Bookstore "As an author with several books under my belt from big publishing houses, I opened Rik Feeney's latest work with no small amount of skepticism. What could I possibly learn? And then I read it all the way to the end in one sitting. The book business is in a state of almost daily upheaval, and Rik Feeney has taken lessons from the past, melded them with contemporary market realities, and applied all of that to what we might expect in the future. In addition to being a masterful communicator who writes with great clarity and abiding good humor, Feeney arms writers with all the weapons they need for success, from methodology and nuts 'n bolts writing tools, to savvy wisdom about marketing. It's clear that Feeney had lots of fun writing this book. Here's hoping it brings fame and fortune to him and everyone who reads it." ~ Bob Morris / Author of Deadly Silver Sea, Baja Florida "Rik Feeney's Writing Books for Fun, Fame & Fortune is the perfect intro guide to writing. It's clear, concise, and packed with solid advice for writing and marketing the author and his/her work. This slim book will provide you with a solid writing and publishing foundation. Crack it open and see what a gem it really is." ~ Carol O'Dell / Author of Mothering Mother: A Daughter's Humorous and Heartbreaking Memoir
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