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You Forgot! Remember?

Angebote / Angebote:

A contemporary message to the church, which has fallen by the wayside. A relevant gospel to give power to the people of God to overcome the doctrines of death. A challenging word from God to the religious orders of today for our resurrection from the dead. A timely fiat of awakening for a dead world caught in mediocrity This book will appeal to everyday people who are sick and tired of facing a world of ever increasing hardship even in the midst of efforts to hide from the obvious collapse of systems and hopes of the dreams they seek. This book even though it uses many christian terms will fit every human soul and it teaches basic principles of mind and how to create what you do truly want to experience rather than what you experience now through ignorance of spiritual laws. Above all remember you are loved, loving and lovable. I hope you buy it and read it and tell everyone about it. Author Grant Andrew Barlow
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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