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Yuri's Vengeance

Angebote / Angebote:

After feeling betrayed by everyone that she loved and admired. Now Yuri is back with a "Vengeance". She's not willing to except responsibility for all the chaos that she caused her family, friends, and especially her true love, Shane. Yuri is back on the scene, of Atlanta, incognito with her deceitful and bitter ways. She plans to completely, destroy anyone that she feels may have come in between her happiness and success. She won't stop at any cost to make others feel the pain that she's feeling. With her focus on Candice and Shane, they never would've imagined that the devil would be so sexy, wearing a Gucci dress and red bottoms. Some will suffer, others will live, some will pay the price with their life. Yuri won't be satisfied, until everyone feels her wrath! Who will Survive?
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


21,90 CHF